Wednesday, March 14, 2012

Flash and I Learn "Go Outs"

At today's training session, Rachel started teaching Flash and me how to do Go Outs. Flash, I think, is getting it; I still have to refer to the cheat sheet.

Here's how it goes:

1.  Stay:  Flash sits by my side and I give the command to Stay. I am confident that he will stay put so I just walk out and place a cookie on the step stool about 15 feet away. I turn and walk back to Flash. If he stays, I tell him "good stay," and go to step 2.

2.  To:  In this maneuver, Flash is facing the step stool with the cookie on it. I stand beside him and put my left hand next to the right side of his face aiming it at the cookie. I say "To."

3.  Charge!:  When he focuses on the cookie (giving it the Border Collie stare), I pull my hand back and then forward again saying "Charge!"

4.  Get the Cookie!: When he gets to the stool, I say "Get the cookie!"

5.  Here!:  When he gets the cookie, I say "Here!" He is supposed to come to me, jump up, and I tell him "Good Here," and give him a cookie.

And thus ends the lesson. We really need to practice this until I get it right.

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