Thursday, March 15, 2012

Beautiful day for a ride

After yesterday's success riding Doc and walking Flash at the same time, I decided to try it again today solo. I took Flash down to the barn and got Doc out of his stall without incident. About that time Homero came by and I asked him to watch Flash to make sure he didn't do anything to disturb Doc. Just in case, I wrapped Doc's lead around the rail so if he pulled back for any reason he wouldn't be tied. Nothing like that happened. Flash was interested in running around, exploring the area.

I saddled Doc and mounted at the picnic bench, then told Homero he could go. I called Flash and we were off through the barn and down the trail. We went straight down through the center of the pasture, then under the freeway bridge and back. It was long enough for a dog walk, which was the intent. This was a training ride and both Doc and Flash did great. Yea.

1 comment:

  1. Yaaay !!!! I'm so proud of you Connie :) it was a beautiful day for a ride !!! I'm so glad Doc and Flash are buddies. You should write a childrens book, "The Adventures of Doc and Flash". Keep enjoying your furry friends. I'll see you next week. Betsy :)
