Flash wrecked his cone finally. It was only attached at the top with a great split at the bottom. Dennis fixed it and now Flash is in the process of banging it around, going through the dog door somehow, and rolling around trying to get it off. Meanwhile, I am getting adept at avoiding the bang at the back of my legs. There are bruises there from previous collisions.

He's not getting much better at the Holds either. This morning I gave him his Hold dumbbell and he ran away with it. I guess you could say he was "holding" it. Oddly, I told him to bring it back and he did, but then he dropped it and ran off again. Funny boy.
I managed to get two photoshots, the first is a little blurry, but cute; the second one is adorable.
I tried to get a video of our training session; but as you will see, he was not cooperative.
After his "training" I put him outside to play and through the kitchen window I caught this video of him playing with his big purple ball. Proves he can Hold if he wants to.
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