Dennis and I went to Seaport Village today. Because Flash had to stay home, we brought him a new toy, Mr. Griggles.
He likes it.
Flash is our border collie, who came to us when he was about 7 months old. I thought it would be fun to record his progress as he becomes part of our family. We are working with trainer Rachel Amado and our first goal is to have Flash earn the Canine Good Citizen award. He is a very smart dog, as all border collies are. This is going to be an exciting experience for us as Flash will keep us on our toes. Stay tuned.
Friday, April 27, 2012
Thursday, April 26, 2012
Smarty Pants
Today was a rainy day. Dennis went to the Port so Flash was homebound with me all morning. We did some fun things: Go-Gos, cookie on the nose, and stay/here.
First, I put him in a sit/stay position, walked across the room, stood for a minute, and then called him too me. He was great, never broke once.
Then I put a cookie on his nose, said Leave It, and when I said Okay, he flipped his nose and caught the cookie. Wow, he was great.
Finally, and the best of all, we did Go-Gos without a leash. First, I said Get to Ready and he sat down on my left side. I told him to stay. Then I walked the length of the dining room, put a cookie on the floor, and walked back to him. And this is the best part: I leaned down without touching him, pointed to the cookie with my left hand, and said Look. He looked but didn't break his sit/stay. Yea!!! Then the easy part: Charge! and Get the Cookie! He did all that and came back to me for his extra cookie.
What a smarty pants.
First, I put him in a sit/stay position, walked across the room, stood for a minute, and then called him too me. He was great, never broke once.
Then I put a cookie on his nose, said Leave It, and when I said Okay, he flipped his nose and caught the cookie. Wow, he was great.
Finally, and the best of all, we did Go-Gos without a leash. First, I said Get to Ready and he sat down on my left side. I told him to stay. Then I walked the length of the dining room, put a cookie on the floor, and walked back to him. And this is the best part: I leaned down without touching him, pointed to the cookie with my left hand, and said Look. He looked but didn't break his sit/stay. Yea!!! Then the easy part: Charge! and Get the Cookie! He did all that and came back to me for his extra cookie.
What a smarty pants.
Wednesday, April 25, 2012
More Assignments
Today was a regular Wednesday--horse lesson and dog training. Flash was pretty good during the horse lesson as long as Doc was walking. When we started to trot and canter, Flash got more excited. Still, he was much better. He didn't try to jump up at Doc or bite at his back legs.
Later in the afternoon, Rachel came over for Flash's training. We showed off our progress in heeling in the back yard. Then Rachel said we should do it outside the yard where there are more distractions. Great. So we went out the gate and down the drive to the road in front of the house. I think Flash did very well. He walked on a loose leash most of the time.
Our other assignment is to practice getting Flash to come when called. We're going to put him on a retractable or long leash have him sit, then call him while reeling in the leash. So we're going to be busy this week.
Tuesday, April 24, 2012
On His Own
Flash was on his own most of the morning. Just before I left at 10:30, he appeared at the door so I let him in the back yard. He had to stay out because he was wet and dirty, his usual appearance.
When I got home from the movies, he was happy to see me and the bone I brought from the grocery store. Later we put the horses in without too much trouble. I kept my eye on him and he minded pretty well. He needs some herding training. Who's going to do that?
We also did some heeling in the back yard. He's getting better, but not there yet. Will he ever be?
Monday, April 23, 2012
Today Flash had his first hamburger patty plus a few fries. He came with us when we took the truck to Lowe's to pick up a new mower. Afterward, we went to In 'n Out Burger and sat in the truck eating our lunch-dinner. Oh, boy. Flash was really interested in our burgers until he got his own. We had to feed him a few fries to keep him from eating our lunch.
Sunday, April 22, 2012
Leave It
We've been practicing a new trick. It's a Leave It trick. With Flash sitting in front of me, I put a cookie on his nose and say, "Leave it."
We've been doing this for a few days now. At first, Flash would try to get the cookie right away and I'd have to say "No, leave it." Most times the cookie would fall off. I'd retrieve it and try again. Pretty soon Flash would leave it until I said ok, but then the cookie would go flying with Flash after it.
Yesterday the cookie would just fall off his nose onto the floor as Flash tried to get it. Today we had a breakthrough--he flipped the cookie and caught it. Ha. Just what we wanted.
We've been doing this for a few days now. At first, Flash would try to get the cookie right away and I'd have to say "No, leave it." Most times the cookie would fall off. I'd retrieve it and try again. Pretty soon Flash would leave it until I said ok, but then the cookie would go flying with Flash after it.
Yesterday the cookie would just fall off his nose onto the floor as Flash tried to get it. Today we had a breakthrough--he flipped the cookie and caught it. Ha. Just what we wanted.
Saturday, April 21, 2012
Big Swim
While Dennis and I were watching Bill Maher this morning, we let Flash run around the property. Later, we called him and, of course, he didn't come. Then Dennis got on the paging system and called him again. This time he came running. When he got to the door, he was soaking wet so we figured he had gone for a dunk in one of the ponds. There are several shallow environment ponds on the property and, gauging from where he came running from, he probably plopped himself down in one of those. We have yet to see him swim, but summer is coming.
Around noon, after he was dry again, I practiced "Heel" with him in the back yard. I think he might be getting it. He actually walked by my side after a few rounds of him dragging me or me dragging him. Basically, I think he did good.
Around noon, after he was dry again, I practiced "Heel" with him in the back yard. I think he might be getting it. He actually walked by my side after a few rounds of him dragging me or me dragging him. Basically, I think he did good.
Home Alone
I got my hair done yesterday and Dennis had work to do in the city, so after his morning run and walk, Flash was home alone most of the day.
Mom said he came to her house and played with Honey in the morning. Apparently they dug some holes in her backyard. Uh oh.
Mom said he came to her house and played with Honey in the morning. Apparently they dug some holes in her backyard. Uh oh.
Thursday, April 19, 2012
Snake Aversion Training Redux
The snake guy was back this morning. While Mom was bringing Honey over, the snake guy brought his snakes into the back yard. I was watching carefully to ensure none of them got away or was left behind. He retested Flash, who wasn't interested in going anywhere near the snakes. Good boy. Hope it translates to the wide open spaces.
Honey was nervous again, running back and forth but not stopping to sniff the snakes. Finally, though, she did focus on one snake and tried to sniff it. Bam! She got zapped and threw herself backward. I think she is cured.
During all this, I forgot to take photos. Bummer.
After the testing was done, Tom, the snake guy, went looking for snakes but didn't find any. He said he would stop by again when he was passing through from Arizona.
In the meantime, Dennis is back and Flash is very happy. He went to the office with his Daddy this morning, then he went for a walk with both of us, then the snake thing, then back to the office, then back to the house with Mommy, then back to the office with Daddy. After dinner, we all took another walk to the gate and back. We're walking him on a retractable leash now at least through snake season. He doesn't seem to mind, but if he sees a bunny or a cat he forgets he's on a leash and more or less yanks our arms out of their sockets. Ouch!
Honey was nervous again, running back and forth but not stopping to sniff the snakes. Finally, though, she did focus on one snake and tried to sniff it. Bam! She got zapped and threw herself backward. I think she is cured.
During all this, I forgot to take photos. Bummer.
After the testing was done, Tom, the snake guy, went looking for snakes but didn't find any. He said he would stop by again when he was passing through from Arizona.
In the meantime, Dennis is back and Flash is very happy. He went to the office with his Daddy this morning, then he went for a walk with both of us, then the snake thing, then back to the office, then back to the house with Mommy, then back to the office with Daddy. After dinner, we all took another walk to the gate and back. We're walking him on a retractable leash now at least through snake season. He doesn't seem to mind, but if he sees a bunny or a cat he forgets he's on a leash and more or less yanks our arms out of their sockets. Ouch!
Wednesday, April 18, 2012
Hard Lessons
Today was less than perfect for Flash. In the morning I took him to the barn while I got Doc ready to ride in my lesson with Betsy. He was ok until we went to the arena. Doc was lagging seemingly because Flash was there in close proximity. Or he was lagging just because he didn't want to work. It's not clear, but he usually doesn't balk at going to the arena.
Betsy held Flash while I mounted Doc just to be safe. Then she let him go and he was bothering Doc. Doc gave a little jump in the beginning and then we just walked around the arena to warm him up. At one point he leaned his head down to smell Flash and then he sneezed. Whoops! Both horse and dog jumped.
Flash was being a pain and not minding us to stay away from the horse. So Betsy called him to the barn and was trying to put a lead on his collar. He apparently was more interested in running back to the arena and he nipped at her several times, once breaking the skin. Bad dog!
Once he was back in the arena on a lead he was marginally more manageable but was still putting up a fight. Betsy was disciplining the dog while I rode and eventually he gave up and behaved. Behaving means not trying to run after the horse.
After the lesson, Flash was tired out (see photo).
Later in the afternoon the dog trainer came and I told her what happened (nipping). She said I needed to push Flash, making him do what I ask until he tries to nip, then give him heck. So to speak.
So we did a heeling exercise in the back yard and Flash did try to nip a few times. Each time I put him on the ground and told him, "No biting!"
By the time we quit, Flash was heeling more or less by my side. Small steps. At least he wasn't fighting me. Stubborn dog.
Betsy held Flash while I mounted Doc just to be safe. Then she let him go and he was bothering Doc. Doc gave a little jump in the beginning and then we just walked around the arena to warm him up. At one point he leaned his head down to smell Flash and then he sneezed. Whoops! Both horse and dog jumped.
Flash was being a pain and not minding us to stay away from the horse. So Betsy called him to the barn and was trying to put a lead on his collar. He apparently was more interested in running back to the arena and he nipped at her several times, once breaking the skin. Bad dog!
Once he was back in the arena on a lead he was marginally more manageable but was still putting up a fight. Betsy was disciplining the dog while I rode and eventually he gave up and behaved. Behaving means not trying to run after the horse.
After the lesson, Flash was tired out (see photo).
Later in the afternoon the dog trainer came and I told her what happened (nipping). She said I needed to push Flash, making him do what I ask until he tries to nip, then give him heck. So to speak.
So we did a heeling exercise in the back yard and Flash did try to nip a few times. Each time I put him on the ground and told him, "No biting!"
By the time we quit, Flash was heeling more or less by my side. Small steps. At least he wasn't fighting me. Stubborn dog.
Tuesday, April 17, 2012
Flash really learned well to wait for the cat to drink her milk. I don't even have to remind him anymore.
I took him for a walk this morning and once again he peeled off to play with Honey when we reached Mom's house. I left him and he still wasn't back by the time I had to pick up Mom and go into town for a few errands. As I pulled up to Mom's house, I saw Flash playing by himself, bouncing around in the tall grass, obviously after something like a gopher, squirrel, or snake. I'm hoping for gopher.
When I got back at 2:30, I found him back at the house. I walked up to the kitchen door and he barked at me. Good watch dog.
Sunday, April 15, 2012
We opened the door to get wood for the fireplace this morning and Flash dashed out. We let him go and get rid of some of the pent-up energy from the last two rain days. In due time he came back carrying a giant goose egg in his mouth. We let him keep it and he ate it in the backyard. Later he brought in his bone showed it to us and then ran back out his dog door. Funny dog.
Flash an I were playing on the floor with his toy, "Bullwinkle." I thought I could get some pictures while we played, but it was really difficult. Here are the photos I took. Note the really great photo of his beautiful and eerie blue eye.
Saturday, April 14, 2012
Friday, April 13, 2012
Happy Dog
Flash is a very happy dog today. First, no cone. Second, Daddy was home today and took him to the office and let him run around all morning. He was a little sad this afternoon when we went to town and he had to stay home, but he got a big bone to chew on so he didn't feel so bad.
Thursday, April 12, 2012
End of Days--Conehead Days
I called the vet this morning to see if I could bring Flash in to remove his stitches. Turns out he has dissolvable stitches so I didn't have to take him in and could take off his cone. Yea. Last night he was bouncing around and smashing through the dog door all night. None of us was getting much sleep. So all of us are happy the cone head days are over.
Flash was so hyped I opened the door and let him run it off. He spent almost all day running around the ranch chasing ducks, geese and cats. He also visited the office and hung out with Homero for a while. It was bitterly cold so I didn't take him for a walk. He just self-exercised today.
When he finally came home, we did some training in the house. We reviewed sit, stay, go-gos and the dreaded Hold. He simply won't hold the dumbbell--which makes him (or me) a dumbbell.
Flash was so hyped I opened the door and let him run it off. He spent almost all day running around the ranch chasing ducks, geese and cats. He also visited the office and hung out with Homero for a while. It was bitterly cold so I didn't take him for a walk. He just self-exercised today.
When he finally came home, we did some training in the house. We reviewed sit, stay, go-gos and the dreaded Hold. He simply won't hold the dumbbell--which makes him (or me) a dumbbell.
Wednesday, April 11, 2012
Although I like rain, I don't like it when it interferes with my riding lesson day. We had to cancel for this week. Also, we cancelled Flash's training lesson. No fair.
Bad Daddy
I was over optimistic about Dennis's ability to take care of Flash while he is still a cone head. Today, I find that Dennis was letting Flash run around at will in the rain and mud. Bad Daddy.
Conehead: Day 5
We are getting very close now to the day Flash loses his cone. It could be tomorrow or the next day. Probably Friday because that is the magical 7th day when all is healed.
Today we woke up to rain (nothing surprises Flash anymore; he's done rain, he's done snow). Dennis drove to the office and Flash went with him. He'll be happy there for a nanosecond, then will want to go find Honey or some other trouble outside. Not today. He's still a cone head and cannot run at will. He might as well be a city dog.
Today we woke up to rain (nothing surprises Flash anymore; he's done rain, he's done snow). Dennis drove to the office and Flash went with him. He'll be happy there for a nanosecond, then will want to go find Honey or some other trouble outside. Not today. He's still a cone head and cannot run at will. He might as well be a city dog.
Tuesday, April 10, 2012
Conehead: Day 4
Flash wrecked his cone finally. It was only attached at the top with a great split at the bottom. Dennis fixed it and now Flash is in the process of banging it around, going through the dog door somehow, and rolling around trying to get it off. Meanwhile, I am getting adept at avoiding the bang at the back of my legs. There are bruises there from previous collisions.
He's not getting much better at the Holds either. This morning I gave him his Hold dumbbell and he ran away with it. I guess you could say he was "holding" it. Oddly, I told him to bring it back and he did, but then he dropped it and ran off again. Funny boy.
I managed to get two photoshots, the first is a little blurry, but cute; the second one is adorable.
I tried to get a video of our training session; but as you will see, he was not cooperative.
I managed to get two photoshots, the first is a little blurry, but cute; the second one is adorable.
I tried to get a video of our training session; but as you will see, he was not cooperative.
After his "training" I put him outside to play and through the kitchen window I caught this video of him playing with his big purple ball. Proves he can Hold if he wants to.
Monday, April 9, 2012
Conehead: Day 3
Dennis had to leave early, but he took Flash for a walk (on leash) to the office first. Flash just isn't getting the exercise he's used to. We are counting the days until he can get his stitches out and stop wearing the cone. He keeps banging into things, including us. Dennis and I both have bruises on the backs of our legs.
Around 10:30 I took him for another walk to the office so he could meet and greet everyone there and get cookies from Shannon. Then we took the trail walk, not as much fun being on leash though.
Around 10:30 I took him for another walk to the office so he could meet and greet everyone there and get cookies from Shannon. Then we took the trail walk, not as much fun being on leash though.
Coming Home
After coming home from Easter dinner at Mom's yesterday, we got an overwhelming welcome from Flash. He jumped on my lap, hood and all.
Sunday, April 8, 2012
Easter Sunday and Day Two
Day Two of Flash's cone head days happens also to be Easter Sunday. Flash celebrated by sending a few e-cards to his friends, Shooter; Dharma and Dollie; and his special playmate, Honey. Shooter is a border collie who lives with Rachel Amado, Flash's trainer.
Flash has never met Dharma and Dollie, but I've told him all about them. They were great friends with Flash's predecessor, Spike, a Yorkshire Terrier, who lived with us for over 16 years. He passed away this January before Flash came to live with us. Spike was great friends with Dharma and Dollie. Dharma is a Yorky and Dollie is a Maltese who live with my cousin, Betty, in Washington State.
Of course, Honey, is my mother's dog. She lives on the ranch and often plays with Flash. Sometimes she gets tired of Flash jumping on her so she has to put him in his place. He doesn't take offense and looks forward to playing with her another day.
Flash found a great e-card site and wants to share it with you: Check it out if you have pets.
Flash has never met Dharma and Dollie, but I've told him all about them. They were great friends with Flash's predecessor, Spike, a Yorkshire Terrier, who lived with us for over 16 years. He passed away this January before Flash came to live with us. Spike was great friends with Dharma and Dollie. Dharma is a Yorky and Dollie is a Maltese who live with my cousin, Betty, in Washington State.
Of course, Honey, is my mother's dog. She lives on the ranch and often plays with Flash. Sometimes she gets tired of Flash jumping on her so she has to put him in his place. He doesn't take offense and looks forward to playing with her another day.
Flash found a great e-card site and wants to share it with you: Check it out if you have pets.
Saturday, April 7, 2012
One day down
This afternoon Angie and I took Flash for a walk to see how Shalla was doing. She was down in her stall this morning and hadn't eaten all of her breakfast. But we found her and Doc in the south pasture and she looked ok. She's 24 now and showing her age. Here she comes walking toward us.
Friday, April 6, 2012
Today's the Day
Flash doesn't know this yet, but today's the day he gets an attitude adjustment...or neutered. I am not looking forward to the "cone" and all its fitting through the dog door. There will be a week of that.
50-50, the cat, will go along with Flash to keep him company...and get her eye checked.
Today's the day, but it's not looking good for Flash, poor baby. My dog-mother's heart feels for him.
50-50, the cat, will go along with Flash to keep him company...and get her eye checked.
Today's the day, but it's not looking good for Flash, poor baby. My dog-mother's heart feels for him.
Thursday, April 5, 2012
Out All Day
Today was trail riding day for me so Flash was velcroed to Homero all day. After I got back, around 1 p.m., Homero took Shalla out for a ride on the ranch and Flash went along. So, basically, Flash was out all day.
When Dennis got home tonight, Flash had just come in but was ready to "go" again on his daily bike ride- along with Dennis.
In the morning before I left for my ride, I tried some "holds" with limited success. We also did some Go-gos. He's getting pretty good at Go-gos because cookies are involved.
When Dennis got home tonight, Flash had just come in but was ready to "go" again on his daily bike ride- along with Dennis.
In the morning before I left for my ride, I tried some "holds" with limited success. We also did some Go-gos. He's getting pretty good at Go-gos because cookies are involved.
Wednesday, April 4, 2012
Wednesday Lessons
Wednesday is our day for horse riding lesson and dog training lesson. Lately, these have merged while I'm training Flash to be comfortable with the barn and horses. Betsy introduced Flash to "Find Doc," where Flash goes to Doc's stall door and jumps up to touch it. If he does it right, he gets a cookie.
Doc, Flash and I took a walk around one of the trails while my sister Angie walked along. I had Doc doing the Granny Walk. Flash ran around mostly ignoring us.
Later in the afternoon Rachel came over to do some more training of Flash and us. Flash got very irritated when Rachel wanted him to Hold his dumbbell and walk at the same time. I'm afraid he skinned up her finger with his teeth. BAD BOY.
We also worked on putting Flash on leash, throwing a toy and then asking him to Bring It while tugging on the leash. Then we worked on getting him to sit and wait while we open a door. Dennis worked with him on this using the kitchen door.
From now until next Wednesday, I need to get Flash to hold his dumbbell for 30 seconds without dropping it. Plus all the other stuff, too.
Tuesday, April 3, 2012
Getting Better
Flash is getting much better at Hold--holding an object until I say Give. Of course, he knows a cookie is coming.
Monday, April 2, 2012
Hold and GoGo's
Flash, Dennis and I took a walk at 7 am and then Dennis took Flash with him to the office. While Flash played with Shannon's daughter and other people at the office, I went shopping with my sister. I went to PetSmart and bought a dumbbell-like toy for Flash so we could work on the Hold command.
I tried it out with Flash when I got home and found out just how stubborn he is. In the beginning he refused to take the toy in his mouth, preferring that I throw it so he could run and get it. Eventually, though, I got him to take it in his mouth by squeezing it and making it squeak. He was really good about holding it as long as I had my hand under his mouth. He gave it up readily, too. We did a few Holds and then we did some GoGos. He has improved so much on this "game," we did it without a leash.
I keep forgetting how smart Flash is.
I tried it out with Flash when I got home and found out just how stubborn he is. In the beginning he refused to take the toy in his mouth, preferring that I throw it so he could run and get it. Eventually, though, I got him to take it in his mouth by squeezing it and making it squeak. He was really good about holding it as long as I had my hand under his mouth. He gave it up readily, too. We did a few Holds and then we did some GoGos. He has improved so much on this "game," we did it without a leash.
I keep forgetting how smart Flash is.
Sunday, April 1, 2012
Rattlesnake Avoidance Training
What an interesting afternoon. Dennis, Mom, Gary and I, along with our dogs, Flash and Honey (Mom's dog) went to Rachel & Henry Amado's home in Alpine for Rattlesnake Avoidance Training. The handler, Tom Minga, Snake Solutions, brought several rattlesnakes of different varieties for the training. The object was to teach the dogs to avoid snakes, by smell, sight and sound. The method was to administer a light electric shock when the dog approached the snake.
There were many other dogs there, too, some for training, some for a recheck to be sure the training stuck. Some dogs had mild reactions and some were very upset at the shock, especially the whippet who did a complete flip after being shocked. The strangest reaction, though, came from Honey who was so nervous I don't think she even knew there were any snakes. She was never shocked because she never got anywhere near the snake. The last three photos show Honey averting her head and body away from the snake. Rachel said this is called "avoidance."
For the humans, it was interesting and fun. Thanks to Rachel and Henry for hosting the training.
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