Monday, March 11, 2013


Don't all dogs want to fetch? It's proven to be very difficult to teach Flash to fetch a ball or a toy. It would be so much more fun for him if we could throw a ball and have him run after (and return) it. But, no. He will chase after anything but won't run back with it.

I read in 101 Dog Tricks that one way to teach a dog to fetch is to cut a slit in a tennis ball large enough to insert a cookie. Then throw the ball with the cookie in it for your dog. The dog should chase the ball and bring it back to you so you can get the cookie out and give it to him (reward). The book describes it better but I found that it actually works if I get really excited when I throw the ball and even more excited when I ask him to bring it to me.

I tried this with Flash yesterday and he did eventually bring it back with MUCH encouragement. After three times, he dropped down on his bed and tried to get the cookie himself. I had to put a stop to that or he would have destroyed the tennis ball.

We did the game about 8 times and he had the idea and was reluctantly bringing it back.

It shouldn't be this hard.

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