Wednesday, February 6, 2013

Hurt Feelings

Flash hurt my feelings the other night. He was just plopping down on his cushion in the living room and I went over to pet him. He had been acting funny in the evening. He was lying down in the dining room and wouldn't come when we called him. Not even Dennis could make him come. Then, when I went to cuddle him, he growled at me. Twice. Whoops. He got up and went to another room looking back at me like it was all my fault. Huh. He hasn't growled or nipped at me or Dennis for a long time...not since he was new to us.

I'm thinking he wasn't feeling well and was telling me to leave him alone. The next day and since he has been his old self. But my feelings were hurt. None of my dogs have ever growled at me,  not even grumpy old Ghost or 'fraidy-cat Lui. Bummer.

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