Wednesday, August 1, 2012

Flash's Tuesday Lesson

Flash had another lesson Tuesday night. We are getting close to taking the test for Good Citizen and I think we are making progress. He had a lot of distractions last night because Rachel's whippets were loose. He got along pretty well with them, but it's hard to concentrate when whippets are falling all over you.

He's getting the idea of going Down on the run, although he sneaks a few steps to get closer to me...well, to the cookie.

He can walk on a loose leash pretty well if he is focusing, but he usually starts off wanting to sniff everything.

We are still working on Stand, where I lure him from a sit to a stand by holding a cookie in front of his nose. Without a cookie? Well....

Another thing he has to learn is to sit straight and not in a puppy sit. I can't remember the command...Sit Up? or Step Up? Hmmm, I'll have to ask Rachel.

1 comment:

  1. Hi – Will you please post a link to your Blog at The Border Collie Community at Our members will appreciate it.
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